Jam Time


We had a great turn out at the Catty Iron Works jam, thanks to everyone who helped build the pump track. Pretty cool to see how the town of Catasauqua supports BMX. 4th of July is creeping up and will be here before you know it. It lands on a Saturday this year which is pretty good, so Im sure most people have off Friday so come lend a hand at Catty or Posh to help get the trails running, still a decent amount of work to be done, the drought really set us back. So Saturday the 4th is the jam at Catty, will have the grill running, shirts for sale, and other random stuff going on. Jam at Posh the next day so a great weekend of BMX in the woods. Big thanks to are sponsors and everyone who donates and buys shirts to keep the trails running.


4 thoughts on “Jam Time

  1. I have an almost 9yr old and almost 7yr old who recently became really interested in skate/bike parks and learning how to ride out of the norm. I cannot find any information as to if Catty Woods is able to be ridden on by anyone (I realize that donations are needed to keep it up) and exactly where it is. Also, what is the location of the July 4th event? Thank you!

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